Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Matt and I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. We hope 2010 holds as much excitement for your family and it promises to hold for us. We had a wonderful Christmas together. Goober caused some issues early on in the morning but redeemed him/herself later by kicking hard enough for Matt to feel. It was the best gift of Christmas to feel our baby's excitement on Christmas morning.

We are eighteen weeks pregnant. As of Christmas morning I have not yet gained weight so I have 2 1/2 weeks to gain 6 pounds. I am hoping I picked up some weight during Christmas dinner, we will have to see. Here are some pictures of our Christmas morning together.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sixteen Week Check

We visited the doctor this morning for our sixteen week check-up. We were heading in with a couple of concerns, but left feeling so happy and relaxed. I anticipated getting a lecture because I have still not gained any weight. I was actually down a little bit this morning but the doctor said it was totally fine, it was just the result of horrible morning sickness. He said he needs me to gain 20 lbs before the end, however I don't need to worry about it yet. Slow weight gain is better then too much too fast. He measured where the baby was and it is in the right place, he said that just by feeling my stomach he would say I am sixteen weeks pregnant. Although I haven't gained anything my shape is changing and the baby is moving into place. He was even able to feel the baby's head positioning through my stomach. They listened for a heart beat which gave me a small heart-attack. The baby was in motion so it took a minute to find it and then they kept loosing it. While they couldn't find it I started to stress, but they got it and said it was perfect. Today Matt was super excited to find out that the heart beat had slowed down and today our baby is a boy! I think it all depends on what I have for breakfast.

My morning sickness is subsiding, which is right on time and I am starting to get some of my energy back. I was fighting a cold this week but I am feeling better today. I have had a little bit of leg numbness but this too is normal. My blood work from last time was all great and my blood pressure is perfect. So right now we are doing great. We have booked our first ultra-sound for January the 5th, we will be almost 20 weeks and they will be able to measure everything and tell us how Goober is doing. This will be our most fun appointment as we will get to see little Goober for the first time. After that we go back to the doctor on January 11 for a regular check. Time will fly now.

We used our video camera for the first time this weekend. Matt put together a short video of our footage so as soon as we figure out how to load it on here you will see what we did Saturday afternoon! Love you all!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Family Celebrations!!!

We recently spent the weekend in not so sunny Florida celebrating Nana and Grandad's 50th Wedding anniversary. It was wonderful to be a part of such a special celebration and spend time with our family. Matt gave a speech and I was so proud of him, not to mention look how handsome he looked...maybe I'm bias! One little lady told me she could totally tell I was made me laugh because most days I can't even tell I'm pregnant. It was great to see family and friends and celebrate an anniversary, Christmas, and the growth of our family with the whole Davis family.

Florida was a little colder then we were hoping it would be but it was so great to spend so much time together. Even though we were only gone for four days it was the longest period of time Matt and I have spent together since August. We celebrated Christmas with Davis' while we were in Florida and were spoiled to death as usual. Two gifts that were especially exciting was the new video camera we got to tape Goober's shenanigans and a gift card to Pottery Barn Kids for the nursery. I can't wait!!! Our baby is already so spoiled.

We are back in Canada where we have recently received a beautiful layer of snow. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" here! This weekend I am hosting the Christmas banquet at our church so I must run to go set up the church , but we will post again soon as there is so much happening during this exciting season! There might even be a video or two once we figure out how to do that!