We are so pleased and excited to introduce Kenzie Leighton Davis,
our newest little blessing!
Born June 7, 2013 at 2:19 pm,
6 lbs, 10 oz and 19.25 inches long.

After a long week of false alarms, we headed to the hospital around 7:30 am (Our perfect baby was nice enough to give Matt his birthday all to himself). We had been timing contractions at home Friday morning and called our OB who thought it was time to come in. Unfortunately, when we got to the hospital they were packed and there was no room for me. Since my labour was not as "active" as it could be they sent us home hoping when we came back there would be more room for us. Our OB was not very happy about this as he would have preferred to break my water and continue from there but suggest we go for a walk and call him as soon as something more happened. Instead of going home, Matt and I went to Target, had Starbucks and walked around. I was the crazy lady waddling beside my husband and scooting down an empty isle whenever a contraction came on. Matt would be in mid sentence and I would take off looking for a "private" place. Shortly after we started walking the contractions really picked up and we called our OB and headed back to the hospital. When we got there they were still full in triage but my contractions were coming too quickly for them to send us away so we skipped triage and were admitted. One hour and 19 minutes after being admitted Kenzie Leighton was born.
As crazy as our trip to Target may sound, it was actually really kinda fun and seems kinda perfect for our story. Target is just fresh to Canada but always been a favourite of ours. Before it came here we would go on dates just the two of us when we were in Florida, which always reminded us of trips there during our first few years of marriage when we lived in Virginia. Going to Target while in labour was a nice distraction with better scenery than hospital walls and it was a final impromptu date before welcoming number two. While it would have been a better story had I've given birth on a chase lounge in the patio section (Matt thought that might happen at one point) our birth story is so uniquely us and I love it!
Dr. Mayr our OB who also delivered Elle. |
Elle meeting Kenzie |
Going to pick up Big Sister in our new double stroller. |
Big Sister and Little Sister, when did my 1st baby turn into a giant? |
Gigi and her Girls |
Meeting cousin Hayley! 10 weeks apart! |
Daddy with his Girls! One lucky man! |
First shopping trip...perfect little angel! |
Everyone seems to be adjusting well to our expansion. Kenzie is sleeping like a champ which has been so great and Gigi has been here helping us out. Elle is absolutely in love with her sister, we have had no issues with jealousy what so ever...if anything she loves her too much. We continually remind her, "Gentle", "Okay no more kisses" "Oh that toy might be too big for her". Ahhh! At one point I went and put her in her crib so Elle couldn't find her...she was looking all over for her and was completely disgusted with me when I told her I didn't know where she was. We are so thrilled and blessed with our sweet baby girl!