Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter


Matt, Chels and Elle

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Elle's Easter Bunny

Thanks Gran-Nana and Great-Grandad...Elle LOVES her new bunny!

No, I don't have baby fever...but my baby is getting too big!

I know we have said it a thousand times but Matt and I are shocked at how different Elle looks everyday.  She is looking so grown up.  She is our favourite little person.  I have been packing up a lot of her baby stuff and it is so sad.  I remember thinking some of the stuff I am packing up now, was so big and it would never fit her, and now it's too small. Matt asked me the other day if I was getting baby fever because I was so sad she was getting big.  The answer is no, not yet we just can't believe how big she is.  I have baby fever to get her back as a baby, but still LOVE how funny and fun she is to spend time with now.  We are a little over a month away from her first birthday, she doesn't stop growing!

Watching golf with Daddy last weekend.

We were in a rush getting ready to go the other day so I set her up outside the bathroom door while doing my hair.  Big girl feeds herself.

I just thought she looked cute...there is always time for a quick picture!

First set of pigtails.  Matt and I LOVED them.  She looked precious.

And....we woke up to this this sad.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ten Months Old

The Girl is ten months old, going on two years old.  As we approach her first birthday I am shocked at how fast this year has gone and how smart our little girl is.  Elle is one determined little girl and when she sets her mind to something she gets very upset when she is told "NO" (I wonder who she gets that from?).  She has even started biting me when she doesn't get her way.  Can you say terrible two?  When I tell her no and pull her hand away from something she tries it one or two more times.  If she doesn't get her way when I pull her hand away she yells at me, sticks my hand near her mouth and bites.  She has never dared to do it with anyone else but that is something we are working really hard to nip in the butt.

She learned to sign "more" at about 8 1/2 months....we were so proud of her and thought she was the smartest baby.  Since then we have taught her "please" and "thank-you".  She does please wrong (rubs her arm instead of her chest) but Matt says it's a baseball signal so we are okay with it.  The important thing is that she is consistent and she always does the same signal so we know she is communicating.  We are going to buy a book and add some more signs.  One of the next suggested ones is "cookie", we don't doubt she will pick that one up very quickly.

We had her at the pediatrician last week to check on her choking again only to find out that the poor girl has acid reflux.  She is gaining weight still (clearly) so there is no huge concern but that is the reason she still spits up and has fairly gurgly burps.   I asked them if there was anything I could change or avoid in her diet to help, but he said unless she is drinking coffee or eating curry there isn't anything we should change.  It is expected that she will grow out of this at about one year.  

AT BIRTH:  7 lbs 6 oz, 19.25 inches
2 MONTHS: 9 lbs 15 oz, 22.5 inches
4 MONTHS: 12 lbs 6 oz, 24 inches
6 MONTHS: 17 lbs 4 oz, 26 inches
9 MONTHS: 18 lbs 12 oz, 27.25 inches
10 MONTHS: 19 lbs 14 oz, 

I am officially on the job hunt to start back after my maternity leave.  It is so sad to even think about going back, but that's reality so I am enjoying every second with her.

Abby turned one April 1!