Elle is nine months old!!! Well 9 months and a few weeks but all these pictures were taken at nine months. She is doing sooooo well. I had her at the doctor a week ago for her baby wellness check up and she did great! She is in the 50th percentile all around. That means she is completely normal...or average...or not at all special?? Haha not true, she is just growing and gaining weight at a normal rate! Here is her growth so far:
AT BIRTH: 7 lbs 6 oz, 19.25 inches
2 MONTHS: 9 lbs 15 oz, 22.5 inches
4 MONTHS: 12 lbs 6 oz, 24 inches
6 MONTHS: 17 lbs 4 oz, 26 inches
9 MONTHS: 18 lbs 12 oz, 27.25 inches
She is crawling, climbing, pulling up on EVERYTHING, shuffling along furniture to get the toys she wants, signing "more", waving bye-bye and hello, and giving the best hugs in the world. She is one cuddly little monkey! She is busy, busy, busy as you can tell from the pictures below. This is us trying to get her 9 month picture. Now that she can move she no longer wants to sit still. I put her in her jumperoo when I am making dinner so I know she can't get away. She always protests for a few minutes...who wants to be confined when you can MOVE!!!!!

I cannot believe how time has flown. I feel like just yesterday I was counting the days to her birth. Nine months of pregnancy is the longest nine months of your life, while the past nine months have probably been the fastest. I feel like the time has flown! Here's a funny picture....me at nine months pregnant and me and Elle at nine months old. Funniest part...we combined weigh pretty much the same as me 9 months prego (yes I still have 2 nasty prego pounds I can't get rid of).
Yes, she does have her first pony tail in...isn't it so cute? Love her hair so much!!!!