It has been incredibly hot here the past few days.
Soooo HOT, even Elle wanted to wear less clothing. Anyone who has spent anytime with her knows that the minute our girl's clothes come off she screams. She is a very modest baby! The one day as I was changing her there was almost a sense of relief when her clothes were off so I let her play on her blanket in just her diaper. As you can see she was very very happy! Our little Elle is growing everyday. She is still tiny (which I love) but looks bigger to me everyday. She is becoming much more aware and seems to recognize Matt and I. It is incredible how she knows who we are and that we are who she should rely on. She is really good about visiting with others but when she is super upset there is nothing quite like a cuddle from Mommy or Daddy. So sweet!
Last week we also enjoyed having Matt's Nana and Granddad visit with us from Florida. They spoiled both Elle and Matt and I. We really enjoyed introducing Elle and spending time here in Guelph and in Niagara on the Lake as well as celebrating both Canada Day and 4th of July with them.
Here are some pictures from our visit.
Happy 4th of July! (Her Shirt Says "Daddy's American Beauty!")

Granddad Planting the Garden
Nana helping with the garden by taking care of Elle

Nana and Granddad in Elle's Garden
Matt and Granddad biking in Niagara on the Lake...Granddad may or may not be in better shape than Matt...