We took Elle to the doctor today for her first check-up and they said she was perfect. They apparently measured her wrong at the hospital and she is actually 19 1/4 inches long. She left the hospital at 6 pounds 12 oz (which is a 10% loss and perfectly normal) but is already up to 6 pounds 14 oz so well on her way to being a healthy baby girl!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Never Fear, Gigi is Here!!!
We took Elle to the doctor today for her first check-up and they said she was perfect. They apparently measured her wrong at the hospital and she is actually 19 1/4 inches long. She left the hospital at 6 pounds 12 oz (which is a 10% loss and perfectly normal) but is already up to 6 pounds 14 oz so well on her way to being a healthy baby girl!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Show Me The Baby!!!!
Elle Ryan Davis
May 26th, 2010
2:29 p.m.
7 lbs. 6 oz.
No idea how long...sorry.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Anticipating the Day
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Official Nursery Reveal!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
38 and a half weeks...OR maybe only 37 weeks
Normally I blog right away after our doctor's appointment but I had to take a day or two after our most recent appointment. I was super excited to go, probably the most excited I have been this whole pregnancy because we had recently had an ultrasound and I was anxious to hear all about it. The ultrasound had been rather disappointing because the technician wouldn't tell me anything and didn't even give me a picture at the end. It was so sad, why else do you go but for the picture? Anyway she kept saying your doctor will get a report and tell at your next appointment so I was clearly looking forward to hearing all about our little Goober.
Our appointment was later in the afternoon than normal so Matt wasn't able to make it so I went by myself. It started by me weighing in at a pound and a half lighter then last time. So I lost weight instead of gaining weight this week. I thought this was pretty funny and texted Matt at work with the good news. Well clearly I am not a doctor, because at this point I should not be losing weight. I got a little scolding but told him I didn't do anything different? My weight gain has been so random...no gain, minimal gain, huge gain, then a loss? I eat when I am hungry and don't when I'm not. It definitely isn't from the lack of ice cream I'm eating...that's the one thing I can't say no to, and am taking full advantage of during this tubby time in my life.
The rest of the appointment went well but I didn't get any of the "good news" I was hoping for. The ultrasound showed that our baby is in the 47th percentile which is great, that means size wise we are not the smallest baby or the largest we are right in the middle. My online research has told me that the baby is likely about 6.5 lbs right now. Great news if I was delivering today because it would be nice and small but bad news if I really am hoping to deliver today because it is pretty small and will likely stay snuggled up for a while yet. When they went looking for the baby's heart beat it was also on the opposite side it normally is, which means the baby has enough room to still flip itself all the way over...it's not squished enough yet.
The ultrasound also said that I am likely only 37 weeks pregnant now instead of 38 which to most people sounds like no big deal but to a prego woman this is a travesty. All other checks on the ultrasound we got a perfect score on so the baby looks great. The heartbeat was strong and my blood pressure was great (they took it before they told me I was only 37 weeks prego). The baby has not yet dropped as I had predicted it had, so the sciatica pain I am feeling is in preparation for the drop not the actual drop. Basically I was expecting to go in and have them say any day now and I left with a definite see you next week. Baby Davis is a little to comfy in there and will not be making it's arrival for a little while yet.
So we continue to wait. We are spending as much time together and trying to enjoy our last few weeks of freedom. The one good thing about Baby Davis staying put is that it's a lot easier to take care of inside of me then outside....at least that's what I've been told.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
38 Weeks Tomorrow
Monday, May 10, 2010
37 Weeks
My attempt at an artsy shot kinda looks scary....oops. This is a super trendy drying rack we bought from Target and I have since seen at stores up here to hold all the little baby pieces after you sanitize them. I love it! It looks like green grass and makes any kitchen super trendy.
I went to the doctor today for my now weekly appointments. Everything looks great. The baby is sitting very low which means it's dropped but not dropped ready to deliver dropped. This is good though it means the baby is at least getting ready to come out...maybe not as soon as I would like but eventually. The heart rate was slow but strong so all of you who have predicted it will be a boy are most likely right if the wives tale is true. I only gained 1/2 a pound this week (thank goodness...seeing as last time I gained almost 5 pounds) and my blood pressure was great. We have an ultrasound booked for Thursday of this week that we are excited for. Tonight I am going to my Nana's to work on, and get help with, the bumper pads and that should complete the work on the Nursery. We are getting very close and ready for Baby Davis!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
36 Weeks and counting!!!!
There is a drastic difference in this picture and last post. Baby Davis has hit a growth spurt and is clearly preparing itself for arrival. My weight gain has been minimal over the last 34 weeks but between 34 and 36 weeks I gained...brace yourself...4.5 pounds!!!! I am currently supposed to gain a pound a week until this week and then pretty much slow down or stop, but instead I doubled the weight gain. I nearly died when I saw the scale...it probably didn't help that Matt was like WOW when he saw the scale. Literally overnight I am a fully prego woman!
We were at the doctor yesterday, which is why we know the exact weight gain, and again everything looks good. Heartbeat was healthy and my blood pressure was great. Dr. Mayr had a student with him and asked if we minded her learning from our appointment. We didn't care so she came in and got to feel the baby and find the heartbeat (she was super sweet and so excited to find the heartbeat...it made it more fun). Dr. Mayr was happy and said I had a perfect learning belly because Goober started kicking when he asked the student where she thought the feet were. Goober helped her out and made it super easy for her to find the positioning. Mayr was also asking if she could tell which way the baby was facing and he claimed that he could feel the babies nose (which is rare) this made me a little concerned that our child will have an abnormally large nose! I don't think Matt or I have big noses but maybe??? He finished all his checks and discussed our "birth plan" with us. I call it the "birth plan" because we basically said we want to do everything natural unless we change our mind, so in essence our "plan" is that we have no plan. He is really great and supportive of what we want. My plan is to do it drug free but lets be honest the goal is having a baby and that will happen either way so if it takes too long I will go for the drugs.
Dr. Mayr was impressed with how calm I was and said I seem very relaxed, he did say however that he was worried about Matt and that he didn't seem too relaxed. He suggested that Matt bring a favourite toy or stuffed animal to help him relax at the hospital. I appreciated that comment a lot seeing as Matt always says he is way more relaxed then me! I guess we will see on delivery day! Feel free to send Matt calming messages or treats to keep him occupied!
We also selected coming home from the hospital outfits for Goober. In all of my first posts I was convinced Goober was a girl but now I really think it's a boy...no idea why. All the clothing we have bought for the baby so far are for boy babies maybe it's a sign? Either way we each selected an outfit, Matt picked the boys outfit and I picked the girl outfit so we will see which one we get to use.