"Oh the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord for giving me the things I need the sun and the earth and the APPLE SEED, the Lord is good to me!"
As you know, Matt and I recently moved to Canada in May with the hopes of starting our lives, careers and eventually family here. And as per the pattern thus far, God is showing us that as much as we would like to plan each step or our life in our timing, it is not our timing but His. After a few months of job searching we accepted temporary positions at a friend's gift card factory making gift cards and credit cards. While this wasn't our plan, we quickly changed our mind set and found ourselves thankful for jobs which were different than our original plan. Soon after starting there Matt's charm, charisma and wealth of knowledge landed him a great job at State Farm working for an agent just down the street from our home. Although he was leaving me in the factory alone, not my plan again, he was starting a new job that we believe will lead to a great future for him. Clearly God's plan.
Earlier this week, again not exactly in our timing but in His, we found out the incredible news that we are pregnant and ready or not, we will be starting our family. While this was a shock at first, we could not be more thrilled as we have always planned to have a large family and cannot wait for our miracle to arrive. When I got home from the factory (we are working on changing this situation) Matt met me with a clean house, flowers and a "What to Expect When Your Expecting" book. This book has helped tremendously already as we really weren't sure where to start. What a great night we had celebrating together and talking about our future family. Once again the Lord has tapped us on the back and told us to slow down. Savor these moments, He will protect us. We feel so blessed to be entrusted with a little life, and we are so very excited about the journey that is ahead of us. We praise God for what he has done and will do with our family in the future.
I am currently feeling pretty good, with the exception of feeling exhausted all the time. We are five weeks pregnant and have been told our baby is the size of an APPLE SEED. So today in the craziness of our Canadian life we thank God for the Apple seed.